Despite the shorter days and cooler weather there is still seasonal produce in the garden to enjoy from Brussel sprouts and cabbage to parsnips and swede as well as stored fruit. Citrus fruits are in season in warmer climates (not forgetting the Seville oranges) and are a great addition to Winter salads.
Here is a list of other produce and flowers currently in season:
Avocados, Brussel sprouts, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Jerusalem artichokes, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Pak choi, Parsnips, Purple sprouting broccoli, Salsify, Shallots, Swede, Turnip, Winter salad leaves (chicory, endive, hardy lettuces, mizuna, salad rocket and mustards)
Fruit & nuts: Apples (stored), Clementines, Grapefruit (abroad), Hazelnuts (stored), Kiwis, Lemons, Pears (stored), Seville oranges, Walnuts (stored)
Herbs & edible flowers: Bay, Chervil, Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, Winter savory
Cut flowers: Aconites, Alder catkins, Camellia, Cornus, Hazel, Hellebores, Snowdrops, Sarcoccoca, pussy willow
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