Crocuses and snowdrops are now in full bloom and there are plenty of daffodils available at local florists.
The days are getting progressively lighter and Spring is finally in sight. Rhubarb and sweet shallots are both at their best this month along with the fruit, veg, nuts and herbs listed below:
Beetroot, Brussel sprouts, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Jerusalem artichokes, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Pak choi, Parsnips, Perpetual Spinach, Purple sprouting broccoli, Salsify, Shallots, Spring Onions, Swede, Turnip, Winter salad leaves (chicory, endive, hardy lettuces, mizuna, salad rocket and mustards)
Fruit & nuts: Apples (stored), Clementines, Grapefruit (abroad), Hazelnuts (stored), Lemons, Pears (stored), Pineapple (abroad), Rhubarb, Walnuts (stored)
Herbs & edible flowers: Bay, Chervil, Fennel, Lovage, Parsley, Primrose, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Winter savory, Winter-flowering violas
Cut flowers: Aconites, Anemones, Alder catkins, Camellia, Cornus, Cerinthe, Crocus, Early daffodils, Euphorbia oblongata, Hazel, Hellebores, Honesty, Pussy Willow, Snowdrops, Sarcoccoca, Viburnum, Wallflowers
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